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Wed, Dec. 10, 2025, 7.00 pm - 10.00 pm | Hamburgische Staatsoper, Großes Haus

Advance ticket sales start in 67 days on Mon, May 19, 2025, 11.00 am
print no advance ticket sale yet Please find relevant information regarding advance ticket sales in the service area of our website.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)

This opera is the world in a theatrical nutshell: it deals with growing older, with trials and tribulations, with intransparent decisions. One person searches for individuality, another is too lazy to do so. Others postulate that the community is the only adequate place for the individual. Power has either been legitimised by long tradition or usurped by new regimes. Values such as assimilation and loyalty are set against self-assertiveness and independence. There is loving and dreaming, cheating and trusting. Suicides are prevented, tests passed, adventures survived. Who is right? Who has been wronged? The world of the magic flute is opaque, and everyone is looking for a pathway: within it, into it or out of it. Who holds the reigns? Who can be trusted? Could it be music?

Director: Jette Steckel
Set Designer: Florian Lösche
Costume Designer: Pauline Hüners
Dramaturgy: Johannes Blum, Carl Hegemann
Video: EINS[23].TV (Alexander Bunge)
Lighting Design: Paulus Vogt

Premiere: 23.9.2016

Please note that stroboscope effects and partly very bright lights are being used.

A break of 25 minutes after the first act

In German with German and English surtitles
Supported by the Foundation for the Support of the Hamburg State Opera

[Read more]

Venue: Hamburgische Staatsoper, Großes Haus, Dammtorstraße 28, 20354 Hamburg
Prices: 6,00 EUR to 109,00 EUR

no advance ticket sale yet Please find relevant information regarding advance ticket sales in the service area of our website.

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