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Sponsors and partners

The Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra is a company owned by the City of Hamburg.

The Kühne Foundation is the main sponsor of the Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra. It supports the creation of additional orchestra positions with a major gift over a period of five seasons and enables the orchestra to undertake new projects and concert tours. At the same time, this benefits the Hamburg State Opera and its musical reputation.

The Philharmonic Society supports the orchestra in purchasing instruments, maintaining its Orchestra Academy and financing the newspaper supplement "Philharmonische Welt".


The Hapag-Lloyd Foundation supports the Philharmonic State Orchestra's Academy.

The Circle of Friends supports the Philharmonic's artistic work financially and also in its role as active ambassadors throughout the City of Hamburg.

NDR 90.3 and Hamburg Journal are media partners; NDR Kultur is a cultural partner of the Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra.

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